Quick Univention Inventory tool using Go and LDAP

Updated 2 years ago

Univention Dynamic DNS Tool using already-established SSSD credentials.

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Go/Qt desktop application for Tesla vehicles

Updated 3 years ago

TeslaBot is a simple Keybase bot to control a Tesla, storing access tokens in KVStore

Updated 3 years ago

Basic C# library for interacting with Tesla's Owner API, based on https://tesla-api.timdorr.com/

Updated 3 years ago

Service Now Building Reservation and Telecommuting/In Office doctor.

Updated 2 years ago

Webapp to automatically create StateJobsNY Applications with cover letter and resume then potentially automatically send application email.

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Secret REST service using OpenPGP.js

Updated 2 years ago

Makefile 0 0

Single page launcher using Qt to launch VMWare Horizon, and store login details to KWallet.

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Python script that scrapes rom sites (right now only vimm.net) to find and download ROMs

Updated 3 years ago

Python script that scrapes rom sites (right now only vimm.net) to find and download ROMs

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 3 years ago

This program should be runnable as a systemd user service to periodically query the user's PGP key and lock the screen if the key is locked.

Updated 3 years ago

C# Web Interface using https://git.nightmare.haus/rudi/Tesla.NET to control and monitor Tesla vehicles.

Updated 3 years ago

ASP.NET Razor website for https://wotdn.nightmare.haus

Updated 3 years ago

React app for playing MTGClone (https://github.com/jordanmason-stleo/MTGClone)

Updated 4 years ago