@ -49,29 +49,31 @@ var (
@@ -49,29 +49,31 @@ var (
func main() { |
mainApp = widgets.NewQApplication(len(os.Args), os.Args) |
vboxLayout := widgets.NewQVBoxLayout() |
statusLayout := widgets.NewQFormLayout(nil) |
// Setup all UI Elements
batteryLevel = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
batteryLevel.SetFixedWidth(30) |
batteryRange = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
chargingState = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
minutesToFull = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
fastChargerInd = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
batteryHeaterInd = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
chargeDoorOpenInd = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
insideTemp = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
insideTemp.SetFixedWidth(25) |
outsideTemp = widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
outsideTemp.SetFixedWidth(25) |
currentChargeLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
currentRangeLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
insideTempLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
outsideTempLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
climateEnabledLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
climateSettingLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
doorLockLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
sentryModeLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
chargingStateLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
tempSetting = widgets.NewQLineEdit(nil) |
tempSetting.SetFixedWidth(25) |
climateOn = widgets.NewQCheckBox(nil) |
lockedDoors = widgets.NewQCheckBox(nil) |
sentryMode = widgets.NewQCheckBox(nil) |
startStopCharge = widgets.NewQCheckBox(nil) |
honk = widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) |
@ -79,19 +81,54 @@ func main() {
@@ -79,19 +81,54 @@ func main() {
trunk = widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) |
frunk = widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) |
currentChargeLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
vboxLayout := widgets.NewQVBoxLayout() |
statusLayout := widgets.NewQFormLayout(nil) |
chargeHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
tempHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
climateHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
securityHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
actionHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
// Set Values for everything
setValues() |
// Some adjustments
batteryLevel.SetFixedWidth(30) |
insideTemp.SetFixedWidth(25) |
outsideTemp.SetFixedWidth(25) |
tempSetting.SetFixedWidth(25) |
currentChargeLabel.SetText("Current Charge: ") |
currentRangeLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
currentRangeLabel.SetText("Current Range: ") |
chargeHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
insideTempLabel.SetText("Inside Temp: ") |
outsideTempLabel.SetText("Outside Temp: ") |
climateEnabledLabel.SetText("Climate On: ") |
climateSettingLabel.SetText("Climate Setting: ") |
doorLockLabel.SetText("Lock Doors: ") |
sentryModeLabel.SetText("Sentry Mode: ") |
chargingStateLabel.SetText("Charging: ") |
honk.SetText("Honk") |
flashLights.SetText("Flash") |
trunk.SetText("Trunk") |
frunk.SetText("Frunk") |
// Connect Controls
honk.ConnectClicked(honkHorn) |
flashLights.ConnectClicked(flash) |
trunk.ConnectClicked(openTrunk) |
frunk.ConnectClicked(openFrunk) |
lockedDoors.ConnectStateChanged(lockDoors) |
sentryMode.ConnectStateChanged(sentryModeEnable) |
startStopCharge.ConnectStateChanged(enableCharging) |
climateOn.ConnectStateChanged(enableClimate) |
// Setup Layout for first row, Current Charge
chargeHbox.AddWidget(batteryLevel, 0, 0) |
chargeHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(5, 2, widgets.QSizePolicy__Expanding, widgets.QSizePolicy__Expanding)) |
chargeHbox.AddWidget(currentRangeLabel, 0, 0) |
chargeHbox.AddWidget(batteryRange, 0, 0) |
statusLayout.AddRow2(currentChargeLabel, chargeHbox) |
setValues() |
statusLayout.AddRow3("Charging State: ", chargingState) |
// Charging State has its own section and is handled differently based on if it is present or not
if chargeStats.ChargingState != "Disconnected" { |
statusLayout.AddRow3("Minutes to Full: ", minutesToFull) |
if chargeStats.FastChargerPresent { |
@ -100,41 +137,22 @@ func main() {
@@ -100,41 +137,22 @@ func main() {
if chargeStats.BatteryHeaterOn { |
statusLayout.AddRow3("Battey Heater: ", batteryHeaterInd) |
} |
statusLayout.AddRow3(" ", nil) |
} |
statusLayout.AddRow3("Charge Port: ", chargeDoorOpenInd) |
insideTempLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
outsideTempLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
insideTempLabel.SetText("Inside Temp: ") |
outsideTempLabel.SetText("Outside Temp: ") |
tempHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
// Temperature section (NOT CLIMATE CONTROL)
tempHbox.AddWidget(insideTemp, 0, 0) |
tempHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(10, 10, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed)) |
tempHbox.AddWidget(outsideTempLabel, 0, 0) |
tempHbox.AddWidget(outsideTemp, 0, 0) |
statusLayout.AddRow2(insideTempLabel, tempHbox) |
climateEnabledLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
climateEnabledLabel.SetText("Climate On: ") |
climateSettingLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
climateSettingLabel.SetText("Climate Setting: ") |
climateHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
// Climate Control Section
climateHbox.AddWidget(climateOn, 0, 0) |
climateHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(10, 10, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed)) |
climateHbox.AddWidget(climateSettingLabel, 0, 0) |
climateHbox.AddWidget(tempSetting, 0, 0) |
statusLayout.AddRow2(climateEnabledLabel, climateHbox) |
doorLockLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
sentryModeLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
chargingStateLabel := widgets.NewQLabel(nil, 0) |
doorLockLabel.SetText("Lock Doors: ") |
sentryModeLabel.SetText("Sentry Mode: ") |
chargingStateLabel.SetText("Charging: ") |
securityHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
// Security Section (Lock/Unlock doors & start/stop charge. Also enable Sentry Mode)
securityHbox.AddWidget(lockedDoors, 0, 0) |
securityHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(10, 10, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed)) |
securityHbox.AddWidget(sentryModeLabel, 0, 0) |
@ -145,41 +163,26 @@ func main() {
@@ -145,41 +163,26 @@ func main() {
securityHbox.AddWidget(startStopCharge, 0, 0) |
} |
lockedDoors.ConnectStateChanged(lockDoors) |
sentryMode.ConnectStateChanged(sentryModeEnable) |
startStopCharge.ConnectStateChanged(enableCharging) |
climateOn.ConnectStateChanged(enableClimate) |
statusLayout.AddRow2(doorLockLabel, securityHbox) |
honk = widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) |
flashLights = widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) |
trunk = widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) |
frunk = widgets.NewQPushButton(nil) |
honk.ConnectClicked(honkHorn) |
honk.SetText("Honk") |
flashLights.ConnectClicked(flash) |
flashLights.SetText("Flash") |
trunk.ConnectClicked(openTrunk) |
trunk.SetText("Trunk") |
frunk.ConnectClicked(openFrunk) |
frunk.SetText("Frunk") |
actionHbox := widgets.NewQHBoxLayout() |
// Action Buttons
actionHbox.AddWidget(honk, 0, 0) |
actionHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(2, 2, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed)) |
actionHbox.AddWidget(flashLights, 0, 0) |
actionHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(2, 2, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed)) |
actionHbox.AddWidget(trunk, 0, 0) |
actionHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(2, 2, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed)) |
actionHbox.AddWidget(frunk, 0, 0) |
actionHbox.AddItem(widgets.NewQSpacerItem(2, 2, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed, widgets.QSizePolicy__Fixed)) |
// Put all Sections Together, note ChargingState (top) is already handled
statusLayout.AddRow2(currentChargeLabel, chargeHbox) |
statusLayout.AddRow3("Charging State: ", chargingState) |
statusLayout.AddRow3("Charge Port: ", chargeDoorOpenInd) |
statusLayout.AddRow3(" ", nil) |
statusLayout.AddRow2(insideTempLabel, tempHbox) |
statusLayout.AddRow2(climateEnabledLabel, climateHbox) |
statusLayout.AddRow3(" ", nil) |
statusLayout.AddRow2(doorLockLabel, securityHbox) |
statusLayout.AddRow6(actionHbox) |
vboxLayout.AddItem(statusLayout) |
window = widgets.NewQMainWindow(nil, 0) |