Golang bot for managing discord verifications
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
* Get the native `typeof` a value.
* @param {*} `val`
* @return {*} Native javascript type
module.exports = function kindOf(val) {
var type = typeof val;
// primitivies
if (type === 'undefined') {
return 'undefined';
if (val === null) {
return 'null';
if (val === true || val === false || val instanceof Boolean) {
return 'boolean';
if (type === 'string' || val instanceof String) {
return 'string';
if (type === 'number' || val instanceof Number) {
return 'number';
// functions
if (type === 'function' || val instanceof Function) {
if (typeof val.constructor.name !== 'undefined' && val.constructor.name.slice(0, 9) === 'Generator') {
return 'generatorfunction';
return 'function';
// array
if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'undefined' && Array.isArray(val)) {
return 'array';
// check for instances of RegExp and Date before calling `toString`
if (val instanceof RegExp) {
return 'regexp';
if (val instanceof Date) {
return 'date';
// other objects
type = toString.call(val);
if (type === '[object RegExp]') {
return 'regexp';
if (type === '[object Date]') {
return 'date';
if (type === '[object Arguments]') {
return 'arguments';
if (type === '[object Error]') {
return 'error';
if (type === '[object Promise]') {
return 'promise';
// buffer
if (isBuffer(val)) {
return 'buffer';
// es6: Map, WeakMap, Set, WeakSet
if (type === '[object Set]') {
return 'set';
if (type === '[object WeakSet]') {
return 'weakset';
if (type === '[object Map]') {
return 'map';
if (type === '[object WeakMap]') {
return 'weakmap';
if (type === '[object Symbol]') {
return 'symbol';
if (type === '[object Map Iterator]') {
return 'mapiterator';
if (type === '[object Set Iterator]') {
return 'setiterator';
if (type === '[object String Iterator]') {
return 'stringiterator';
if (type === '[object Array Iterator]') {
return 'arrayiterator';
// typed arrays
if (type === '[object Int8Array]') {
return 'int8array';
if (type === '[object Uint8Array]') {
return 'uint8array';
if (type === '[object Uint8ClampedArray]') {
return 'uint8clampedarray';
if (type === '[object Int16Array]') {
return 'int16array';
if (type === '[object Uint16Array]') {
return 'uint16array';
if (type === '[object Int32Array]') {
return 'int32array';
if (type === '[object Uint32Array]') {
return 'uint32array';
if (type === '[object Float32Array]') {
return 'float32array';
if (type === '[object Float64Array]') {
return 'float64array';
// must be a plain object
return 'object';
* If you need to support Safari 5-7 (8-10 yr-old browser),
* take a look at https://github.com/feross/is-buffer
function isBuffer(val) {
return val.constructor
&& typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === 'function'
&& val.constructor.isBuffer(val);