Golang bot for managing discord verifications

285 lines
7.6 KiB

package main
import (
func setupCommands() {
reboot := Command{
Name: "Reboot",
RequiresAdmin: true,
Help: "Reboot me, requires token from logs.",
Keywords: []string{"reboot", "re", "restart"},
Exec: Reboot,
commands = append(commands, reboot)
bumpset := Command{
Name: "BumpSet",
RequiresAdmin: true,
Help: "Set the bump timer (requires time in minutes until next bump).",
Keywords: []string{"bs", "bumpset", "bumps"},
Exec: BumpSet,
commands = append(commands, bumpset)
retrieveVerification := Command{
Name: "Retrieve Verification",
RequiresAdmin: true,
Help: "Retrieve verification either by discord ID or by nickname",
Keywords: []string{"veri", "verification", "retrieve"},
Exec: RetrieveVerification,
commands = append(commands, retrieveVerification)
addQuote := Command{
Name: "Add Quote",
RequiresAdmin: true,
Keywords: []string{"quote", "addq", "q"},
Exec: AddQuote,
commands = append(commands, addQuote)
snap := Command{
Name: "Snap",
4 years ago
Help: "Trigger a purge!",
RequiresAdmin: false,
Keywords: []string{"snap", "purge", "sn"},
Exec: Snap,
commands = append(commands, snap)
status := Command{
Name: "Status",
RequiresAdmin: true,
4 years ago
Help: "Show the current status of Thanos/Verifications and probations",
Keywords: []string{"st", "status", "stats"},
Exec: Status,
commands = append(commands, status)
listCommands := Command{
Name: "List Commands",
RequiresAdmin: false,
Keywords: []string{"help", "commands", "cmd", "cmds"},
Exec: Commands,
commands = append(commands, listCommands)
debugLevel := Command{
4 years ago
Name: "Debug Level",
RequiresAdmin: true,
4 years ago
Keywords: []string{"debug"},
Exec: Debug,
Help: "Set the log level for loggy",
commands = append(commands, debugLevel)
activityReport := Command{
Name: "Activity Report",
RequiresAdmin: false,
Keywords: []string{"activity", "active", "list"},
Exec: ActivityReport,
Help: "List activity for the discord. Supply a number to get the top N users (5 would be top 5 users) or all for all users!",
commands = append(commands, activityReport)
func Commands(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
print := "Available commands:\n"
for _, cmd := range commands {
if cmd.RequiresAdmin {
if isAdmin(b.Message.Member) {
print += fmt.Sprintf("```%+v\n%+v\n%+v```\n", cmd.Name, cmd.Keywords, cmd.Help)
} else {
print += fmt.Sprintf("```%+v\n%+v\n%+v```\n", cmd.Name, cmd.Keywords, cmd.Help)
4 years ago
b.Session.ChannelMessageSend(b.Message.ChannelID, print)
return true
func Debug(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
level, err := strconv.Atoi(b.Parts[0])
if err != nil {
return false
config.LogOpts.Level = loggy.LogLevel(level)
log = loggy.NewLogger(config.LogOpts)
return true
func Reboot(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
if strings.Contains(b.Message.Content, rebootToken) {
return true
return false
func ActivityReport(b BotCommand) bool {
useCounter := true
counterStop := 4
if len(b.Parts) > 0 {
test, err := strconv.Atoi(b.Parts[0])
if err == nil {
counterStop = test
} else {
useCounter = false
statistics := "```"
n := map[int][]string{}
counter := 0
var a []int
for k, v := range config.Activity {
n[v] = append(n[v], k)
for k := range n {
a = append(a, k)
for _, k := range a {
for _, s := range n[k] {
if useCounter && counter == counterStop-1 {
return true
user, err := b.Session.GuildMember(config.GuildID, s)
if err == nil {
statistics += fmt.Sprintf("\n%+v: %+v", user.User.Username, k)
} else {
statistics += "\n```"
return true
func BumpSet(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
bump = false
timer, err := strconv.Atoi(b.Parts[0])
if err != nil {
b.Session.ChannelMessageSend(b.Message.ChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("Unable to decode timer: %+v", b.Parts[0]))
return false
config.BumpTime = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(timer) * time.Minute).Add(-2 * time.Hour)
b.Session.ChannelMessageSend(b.Message.ChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("New last bump time: <t:%+v:t>, expecting next bump at <t:%+v:t>", config.BumpTime.Unix(), config.BumpTime.Add(2*time.Hour).Unix()))
return true
func RetrieveVerification(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
discordId := b.Parts[0]
_, err := strconv.Atoi(discordId)
if err != nil {
discordId = idFromUsername(discordId)
user, err := b.Session.GuildMember(config.GuildID, discordId)
if err != nil {
return false
matches, err := filepath.Glob(fmt.Sprintf("./verifications/*%+v*", discordId))
if err != nil {
return false
if len(matches) != 1 {
b.Session.ChannelMessageSend(b.Message.ChannelID, fmt.Sprintf("Error finding verification for ID %+v", discordId))
return false
verificationImage, err := os.Open(matches[0])
if err != nil {
return false
msg := fmt.Sprintf("``` %+v\nJoined: %+v\n```", user.User.Username, user.JoinedAt)
b.Session.ChannelFileSendWithMessage(b.Message.ChannelID, msg, matches[0], verificationImage)
return true
func AddQuote(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
quotes = append(quotes, strings.ReplaceAll(b.Message.Content, b.Command, ""))
return true
func Snap(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
go runPurge(b.Session)
b.Session.ChannelMessageSend(config.AdminChannel, quotes[rand.Intn(len(quotes))])
return true
func Status(b BotCommand) bool {
defer log.PanicSafe()
status := fmt.Sprintf("Uptime: %+v\n", time.Since(startupTime))
status += fmt.Sprintf("Last active time: %+v\n", time.Since(lastActiveTime))
status += fmt.Sprintf("Last bump: <t:%+v:t>\n", config.BumpTime.Unix())
status += fmt.Sprintf("Last bumper: %+v\n", userFromID(config.LastBumper).Username)
status += fmt.Sprintf("Bump needed: %+v\n", bump)
if len(config.Unverified) > 0 {
status += "Unverified users:\n```"
for k, v := range config.Unverified {
uvUser := userFromID(k)
status += fmt.Sprintf("\n%+v will be removed at <t:%+v:t>", uvUser.Username, v.Add(1*time.Hour).Unix())
status += "```"
} else {
status += "There are no unverified users.\n"
if len(config.Verifications) > 0 {
status += "Pending verifications:\n"
status += "```"
for _, v := range config.Verifications {
status += fmt.Sprintf("%+v has submitted a verification.", v.Username)
status += "```"
} else {
4 years ago
status += "There are no pending verifications.\n"
if len(config.Probations) > 0 {
status += "\nThe following users are on probation: \n```"
for uid, join := range config.Probations {
probationUser := userFromID(uid)
status += fmt.Sprintf("%+v for until <t:%+v:t>\n", probationUser.Username, join.Add(2*time.Hour).Unix())
status += "```"
} else {
4 years ago
status += "There are no users on probation.\n"
b.Session.ChannelMessageSend(config.AdminChannel, status)
statistics := "```"
for k, v := range config.Stats {
adminUser, err := b.Session.GuildMember(config.GuildID, k)
if err == nil {
statistics += fmt.Sprintf("\n%+v: %+v", adminUser.User.Username, v+1)
} else {
statistics += "\n```"
log.LogInfo("Private statistics: %+v", statistics)
go runPurge(b.Session)
return true