package main import ( "fmt" "log" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" ) const cmdPrefix = "/" var commands = make(map[string]Command) var baseCommands = make([]string, 0) // Configurable section var downloadPath = "/tmp/" var outputFormat = "┌──[$USER@$DEVICE] [$ID] [$DATE - $TIME]\n└╼ $MSG" // 02 = Day, Jan = Month, 06 = Year var dateFormat = "02Jan06" // 15 = hours, 04 = minutes, 05 = seconds var timeFormat = "15:04" // End configurable section var k = keybase.NewKeybase() var channel keybase.Channel var channels []keybase.Channel var stream = false var lastMessage keybase.ChatAPI func main() { if !k.LoggedIn { fmt.Println("You are not logged in.") return } kbtui, err := gocui.NewGui(gocui.OutputNormal) if err != nil { log.Printf("%+v", err) } defer kbtui.Close() kbtui.SetManagerFunc(layout) printToView(kbtui, "Chat", fmt.Sprintf("Welcome %s!", k.Username)) go populateList(kbtui) go updateChatWindow(kbtui) if err := initKeybindings(kbtui); err != nil { log.Printf("%+v", err) } if err := kbtui.MainLoop(); err != nil && err != gocui.ErrQuit { log.Printf("%+v", err) } } func populateChat(g *gocui.Gui) { lastMessage.ID = 0 chat := k.NewChat(channel) maxX, _ := g.Size() api, err := chat.Read(maxX / 2) if err != nil { for _, testChan := range channels { if channel.Name == testChan.Name { channel = testChan channel.TopicName = "general" } } chat = k.NewChat(channel) _, err2 := chat.Read(2) if err2 != nil { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", err)) return } else { go populateChat(g) return } } var printMe []string var actuallyPrintMe string lastMessage.ID = api.Result.Messages[0].Msg.ID for _, message := range api.Result.Messages { if message.Msg.Content.Type == "text" { if lastMessage.ID < 1 { lastMessage.ID = message.Msg.ID } var apiCast keybase.ChatAPI apiCast.Msg = &message.Msg newMessage := formatOutput(apiCast) printMe = append(printMe, newMessage) } } for i := len(printMe) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { actuallyPrintMe += printMe[i] if i > 0 { actuallyPrintMe += "\n" } } printToView(g, "Chat", actuallyPrintMe) } func sendChat(message string, g *gocui.Gui) { chat := k.NewChat(channel) _, err := chat.Send(message) if err != nil { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error %+v", err)) } } func formatOutput(api keybase.ChatAPI) string { ret := "" if api.Msg.Content.Type == "text" { ret = outputFormat tm := time.Unix(int64(api.Msg.SentAt), 0) ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$MSG", api.Msg.Content.Text.Body, 1) ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$USER", api.Msg.Sender.Username, 1) ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$DEVICE", api.Msg.Sender.DeviceName, 1) ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$ID", fmt.Sprintf("%d", api.Msg.ID), 1) ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$DATE", fmt.Sprintf("%s", tm.Format(dateFormat)), 1) ret = strings.Replace(ret, "$TIME", fmt.Sprintf("%s", tm.Format(timeFormat)), 1) } return ret } func uploadFile(g *gocui.Gui, filePath string, fileName string) { chat := k.NewChat(channel) _, err := chat.Upload(fileName, filePath) if err != nil { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error uploading %s to %s", filePath, channel.Name)) } else { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Uploaded %s to %s", filePath, channel.Name)) } } func downloadFile(g *gocui.Gui, messageID int, fileName string) { chat := k.NewChat(channel) _, err := chat.Download(messageID, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", downloadPath, fileName)) if err != nil { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("There was an error downloading %s from %s", fileName, channel.Name)) } else { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Downloaded %s from %s", fileName, channel.Name)) } } func populateList(g *gocui.Gui) { _, maxY := g.Size() if testVar, err := k.ChatList(); err != nil { log.Printf("%+v", err) } else { clearView(g, "List") var recentPMs = "---[PMs]---\n" var recentPMsCount = 0 var recentChannels = "---[Teams]---\n" var recentChannelsCount = 0 for _, s := range testVar.Result.Conversations { channels = append(channels, s.Channel) if s.Channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM { recentChannelsCount++ if recentChannelsCount <= ((maxY - 2) / 3) { if s.Unread { recentChannels += "*" } recentChannels += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\t#%s\n", s.Channel.Name, s.Channel.TopicName) } } else { recentPMsCount++ if recentPMsCount <= ((maxY - 2) / 3) { if s.Unread { recentPMs += "*" } recentPMs += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", cleanChannelName(s.Channel.Name)) } } } time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond) printToView(g, "List", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", recentPMs, recentChannels)) } } func clearView(kbtui *gocui.Gui, viewName string) { kbtui.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error { inputView, err := kbtui.View(viewName) if err != nil { return err } else { inputView.Clear() inputView.SetCursor(0, 0) inputView.SetOrigin(0, 0) } return nil }) } func printToView(kbtui *gocui.Gui, viewName string, message string) { kbtui.Update(func(g *gocui.Gui) error { updatingView, err := kbtui.View(viewName) if err != nil { return err } else { fmt.Fprintf(updatingView, "%s\n", message) } return nil }) } func layout(g *gocui.Gui) error { maxX, maxY := g.Size() if feedView, err := g.SetView("Feed", maxX/2-maxX/3, 0, maxX-1, maxY/5); err != nil { if err != gocui.ErrUnknownView { return err } feedView.Autoscroll = true feedView.Wrap = true fmt.Fprintln(feedView, "Feed Window - If you are mentioned or receive a PM it will show here") } if chatView, err2 := g.SetView("Chat", maxX/2-maxX/3, maxY/5+1, maxX-1, maxY-5); err2 != nil { if err2 != gocui.ErrUnknownView { return err2 } chatView.Autoscroll = true chatView.Wrap = true fmt.Fprintf(chatView, "Your chats will appear here.\nSupported commands are as follows:\n") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, "/j $username - Open your chat with $username") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, "/j $team $channel - Open $channel from $team") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, "/u $path $title - Uploads file $path with title $title") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, "/d $msgId $downloadName - Downloads file from $msgId to $DownloadPath/$downloadName") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, "/r $msgId $reaction - Reacts to $msgId with $reaction reaction can be emoji :+1:") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, " Can also be used for STRING reactions") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, "/s - Experimental: View all incoming messages from everywhere.") fmt.Fprintln(chatView, "/q - Exit") } if inputView, err3 := g.SetView("Input", maxX/2-maxX/3, maxY-4, maxX-1, maxY-1); err3 != nil { if err3 != gocui.ErrUnknownView { return err3 } if _, err := g.SetCurrentView("Input"); err != nil { return err } inputView.Editable = true inputView.Wrap = true g.Cursor = true } if listView, err4 := g.SetView("List", 0, 0, maxX/2-maxX/3-1, maxY-1); err4 != nil { if err4 != gocui.ErrUnknownView { return err4 } fmt.Fprintf(listView, "Lists\nWindow\nTo view\n activity") } return nil } func getInputString(g *gocui.Gui) (string, error) { inputView, _ := g.View("Input") return inputView.Line(0) } func initKeybindings(g *gocui.Gui) error { if err := g.SetKeybinding("", gocui.KeyCtrlC, gocui.ModNone, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { input, err := getInputString(g) if err != nil { return err } if input != "" { clearView(g, "Input") return nil } else { return gocui.ErrQuit } }); err != nil { return err } if err := g.SetKeybinding("Input", gocui.KeyEnter, gocui.ModNone, func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return handleInput(g) }); err != nil { return err } return nil } func updateChatWindow(g *gocui.Gui) { k.Run(func(api keybase.ChatAPI) { handleMessage(api, g) }) } func cleanChannelName(c string) string { newChannelName := strings.Replace(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s,", k.Username), "", 1) return strings.Replace(newChannelName, fmt.Sprintf(",%s", k.Username), "", 1) } func handleMessage(api keybase.ChatAPI, g *gocui.Gui) { if api.Msg.Content.Type == "text" { go populateList(g) msgBody := api.Msg.Content.Text.Body msgSender := api.Msg.Sender.Username channelName := api.Msg.Channel.Name if !stream { if msgSender != k.Username { if api.Msg.Channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM { topicName := api.Msg.Channel.TopicName for _, m := range api.Msg.Content.Text.UserMentions { if m.Text == k.Username { // We are in a team if topicName != channel.TopicName { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("[ %s#%s ] %s: %s", channelName, topicName, msgSender, msgBody)) } break } } } else { if msgSender != channel.Name { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("PM from @%s: %s", cleanChannelName(channelName), msgBody)) } } } if api.Msg.Channel.MembersType == channel.MembersType && cleanChannelName(api.Msg.Channel.Name) == channel.Name { if channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM && channel.TopicName != api.Msg.Channel.TopicName { // Do nothing, wrong channel } else { printToView(g, "Chat", formatOutput(api)) chat := k.NewChat(channel) lastMessage.ID = api.Msg.ID chat.Read(api.Msg.ID) } } } else { if api.Msg.Channel.MembersType == keybase.TEAM { topicName := api.Msg.Channel.TopicName printToView(g, "Chat", fmt.Sprintf("@%s#%s [%s]: %s", channelName, topicName, msgSender, msgBody)) } else { printToView(g, "Chat", fmt.Sprintf("PM @%s [%s]: %s", cleanChannelName(channelName), msgSender, msgBody)) } } } else { //TODO: For edit/delete run this if api.Msg.Channel.MembersType == channel.MembersType && cleanChannelName(api.Msg.Channel.Name) == channel.Name { go populateChat(g) } } } func reactToMessage(reaction string) { chat := k.NewChat(channel) chat.React(lastMessage.ID, reaction) } func reactToMessageId(messageId string, reaction string) { chat := k.NewChat(channel) ID, _ := strconv.Atoi(messageId) chat.React(ID, reaction) } func handleInput(g *gocui.Gui) error { clearView(g, "Input") inputString, _ := getInputString(g) if inputString == "" { return nil } if strings.HasPrefix(inputString, cmdPrefix) { cmd := strings.Split(inputString[len(cmdPrefix):], " ") if c, ok := commands[cmd[0]]; ok { c.Exec(g, cmd) return nil } else if cmd[0] == "q" || cmd[0] == "quit" { return gocui.ErrQuit } else { printToView(g, "Feed", fmt.Sprintf("Command '%s' not recognized", cmd[0])) return nil } } if inputString[:1] == "+" { reactToMessage(strings.Replace(inputString, "+", "", 1)) } else { go sendChat(inputString, g) } go populateList(g) return nil } func quit(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error { return gocui.ErrQuit } // RegisterCommand registers a command to be used within the client func RegisterCommand(c Command) error { var notAdded string for i, cmd := range c.Cmd { if _, ok := commands[cmd]; !ok { if i == 0 { baseCommands = append(baseCommands, cmd) } commands[cmd] = c continue } notAdded = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", notAdded, cmd) } if notAdded != "" { return fmt.Errorf("The following aliases were not added because they already exist: %s", notAdded) } return nil }