package main
import (
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
var (
helpStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("241")).Render
titleStyle = func() lipgloss.Style {
b := lipgloss.RoundedBorder()
b.Right = "├"
return lipgloss.NewStyle().BorderStyle(b).Padding(0, 1)
infoStyle = func() lipgloss.Style {
b := lipgloss.RoundedBorder()
b.Left = "┤"
return titleStyle.Copy().BorderStyle(b)
k = keybase.NewKeybase()
mainModel *model
useHighPerformanceRenderer = false
func (m model) headerView() string {
title := titleStyle.Render("convo-name")
line := strings.Repeat("─", max(0, m.viewport.Width-lipgloss.Width(title)))
return lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Center, title, line)
func (m model) footerView() string {
info := infoStyle.Render(fmt.Sprintf("%3.f%%", m.viewport.ScrollPercent()*100))
line := strings.Repeat("─", max(0, m.viewport.Width-lipgloss.Width(info)))
return lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Center, line, info)
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func main() {
var (
daemonMode bool
showHelp bool
opts []tea.ProgramOption
flag.BoolVar(&daemonMode, "d", false, "run as a daemon")
flag.BoolVar(&showHelp, "h", false, "show help")
if showHelp {
if daemonMode || !isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) {
// If we're in daemon mode don't render the TUI
opts = []tea.ProgramOption{tea.WithoutRenderer()}
} else {
// If we're in TUI mode, discard log output
m1 := newModel()
mainModel = &m1
chatHandler := handleChat
handlers := keybase.Handlers{
ChatHandler: &chatHandler,
go k.Run(handlers, &keybase.RunOptions{})
p := tea.NewProgram(mainModel, opts...)
if err := p.Start(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error starting Bubble Tea program:", err)
func newModel() model {
sp := spinner.New()
sp.Style = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("206"))
return model{
spinner: sp,
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
log.Println("Starting work...")
return tea.Batch(
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
var (
cmd tea.Cmd
cmds []tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
if msg.String() == "ctrl+c" {
m.quitting = true
return m, tea.Quit
} else {
return m, nil
case spinner.TickMsg:
m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
return m, cmd
case chat1.MsgSummary:
log.Println("chat1.MsgSummary passed to m.Update()")
return m, cmd
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
headerHeight := lipgloss.Height(m.headerView())
footerHeight := lipgloss.Height(m.footerView())
verticalMarginHeight := headerHeight + footerHeight
if !m.ready {
// Since this program is using the full size of the viewport we
// need to wait until we've received the window dimensions before
// we can initialize the viewport. The initial dimensions come in
// quickly, though asynchronously, which is why we wait for them
// here.
m.viewport = viewport.New(msg.Width, msg.Height-verticalMarginHeight)
m.viewport.YPosition = headerHeight
m.viewport.HighPerformanceRendering = useHighPerformanceRenderer
m.ready = true
// This is only necessary for high performance rendering, which in
// most cases you won't need.
// Render the viewport one line below the header.
m.viewport.YPosition = headerHeight + 1
} else {
m.viewport.Width = msg.Width
m.viewport.Height = msg.Height - verticalMarginHeight
if useHighPerformanceRenderer {
// Render (or re-render) the whole viewport. Necessary both to
// initialize the viewport and when the window is resized.
// This is needed for high-performance rendering only.
cmds = append(cmds, viewport.Sync(m.viewport))
// Handle keyboard and mouse events in the viewport
m.viewport, cmd = m.viewport.Update(msg)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
return m, nil
func (m model) PopulateChat() string {
if m.currentConversation.Name == "" {
return ""
} else {
ret := ""
for _, chatmsg := range m.chat {
var content string
if chatmsg.Content.TypeName == "text" {
content = chatmsg.Content.Text.Body
} else {
content = "Unrendered."
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%+v: %+v", chatmsg.Sender.Username, content)
return ret
func (m model) View() string {
s := "\n"
s += m.viewport.View()
s += helpStyle("\nCtrl+C to exit\n")
if m.quitting {
s += "\n"
return indent.String(s, 1)