This is a refactor of that takes advantage of the libkeybase performance improvements.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

747 lines
18 KiB

package keybase
import (
// Creates a string of a json-encoded channel to pass to keybase chat api-listen --filter-channel
func createFilterString(channel chat1.ChatChannel) string {
if channel.Name == "" {
return ""
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(channel)
return string(jsonBytes)
// Creates a string of json-encoded channels to pass to keybase chat api-listen --filter-channels
func createFiltersString(channels []chat1.ChatChannel) string {
if len(channels) == 0 {
return ""
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(channels)
return string(jsonBytes)
// Run `keybase chat api-listen` to get new messages coming into keybase and send them into the channel
func getNewMessages(k *Keybase, subs *subscriptionChannels, execOptions []string) {
execString := []string{"chat", "api-listen"}
if len(execOptions) > 0 {
execString = append(execString, execOptions...)
for {
execCmd := exec.Command(k.Path, execString...)
stdOut, _ := execCmd.StdoutPipe()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdOut)
go func(scanner *bufio.Scanner, subs *subscriptionChannels) {
for {
var subType subscriptionType
t := scanner.Text()
json.Unmarshal([]byte(t), &subType)
switch subType.Type {
case "chat":
var notification chat1.MsgNotification
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(t), &notification); err != nil {
subs.error <- err
if notification.Msg != nil { <- *notification.Msg
case "chat_conv":
var notification chat1.ConvNotification
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(t), &notification); err != nil {
subs.error <- err
if notification.Conv != nil {
subs.conversation <- *notification.Conv
case "wallet":
var holder paymentHolder
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(t), &holder); err != nil {
subs.error <- err
subs.wallet <- holder.Payment
}(scanner, subs)
// Run runs `keybase chat api-listen`, and passes incoming messages to the message handler func
func (k *Keybase) Run(handlers Handlers, options *RunOptions) {
var channelCapacity = 100
runOptions := make([]string, 0)
if handlers.WalletHandler != nil {
runOptions = append(runOptions, "--wallet")
if handlers.ConversationHandler != nil {
runOptions = append(runOptions, "--convs")
if options != nil {
if options.Capacity > 0 {
channelCapacity = options.Capacity
if options.Local {
runOptions = append(runOptions, "--local")
if options.HideExploding {
runOptions = append(runOptions, "--hide-exploding")
if options.Dev {
runOptions = append(runOptions, "--dev")
if len(options.FilterChannels) > 0 {
runOptions = append(runOptions, "--filter-channels")
runOptions = append(runOptions, createFiltersString(options.FilterChannels))
if options.FilterChannel.Name != "" {
runOptions = append(runOptions, "--filter-channel")
runOptions = append(runOptions, createFilterString(options.FilterChannel))
chatCh := make(chan chat1.MsgSummary, channelCapacity)
convCh := make(chan chat1.ConvSummary, channelCapacity)
walletCh := make(chan stellar1.PaymentDetailsLocal, channelCapacity)
errorCh := make(chan error, channelCapacity)
subs := &subscriptionChannels{
chat: chatCh,
conversation: convCh,
wallet: walletCh,
error: errorCh,
defer close(
defer close(subs.conversation)
defer close(subs.wallet)
defer close(subs.error)
go getNewMessages(k, subs, runOptions)
for {
select {
case chatMsg := <
if handlers.ChatHandler == nil {
chatHandler := *handlers.ChatHandler
go chatHandler(chatMsg)
case walletMsg := <-subs.wallet:
if handlers.WalletHandler == nil {
walletHandler := *handlers.WalletHandler
go walletHandler(walletMsg)
case newConv := <-subs.conversation:
if handlers.ConversationHandler == nil {
convHandler := *handlers.ConversationHandler
go convHandler(newConv)
case errMsg := <-subs.error:
if handlers.ErrorHandler == nil {
errHandler := *handlers.ErrorHandler
go errHandler(errMsg)
// chatAPIOut sends JSON requests to the chat API and returns its response.
func chatAPIOut(k *Keybase, c ChatAPI) (ChatAPI, error) {
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(c)
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", string(jsonBytes))
if err != nil {
return ChatAPI{}, err
var r ChatAPI
if err := json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r); err != nil {
return ChatAPI{}, err
if r.ErrorRaw != nil {
var errorRead Error
json.Unmarshal([]byte(*r.ErrorRaw), &errorRead)
r.ErrorRead = &errorRead
return r, errors.New(r.ErrorRead.Message)
return r, nil
// SendMessage sends a chat message
func (k *Keybase) SendMessage(method string, options SendMessageOptions) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
type res struct {
Result chat1.SendRes `json:"result"`
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
var r res
arg := newSendMessageArg(options)
arg.Method = method
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(arg)
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", string(jsonBytes))
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
err = json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r)
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
if r.Error != nil {
return r.Result, fmt.Errorf("%v", r.Error.Message)
return r.Result, nil
// SendMessageByChannel sends a chat message to a channel
func (k *Keybase) SendMessageByChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
return k.SendMessage("send", opts)
// SendMessageByConvID sends a chat message to a conversation id
func (k *Keybase) SendMessageByConvID(convID chat1.ConvIDStr, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
ConversationID: convID,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
return k.SendMessage("send", opts)
// SendEphemeralByChannel sends an exploding chat message to a channel
func (k *Keybase) SendEphemeralByChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, duration time.Duration, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
ExplodingLifetime: &ExplodingLifetime{duration},
return k.SendMessage("send", opts)
// SendEphemeralByConvID sends an exploding chat message to a conversation id
func (k *Keybase) SendEphemeralByConvID(convID chat1.ConvIDStr, duration time.Duration, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
ConversationID: convID,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
ExplodingLifetime: &ExplodingLifetime{duration},
return k.SendMessage("send", opts)
// ReplyByChannel sends a reply message to a channel
func (k *Keybase) ReplyByChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, replyTo chat1.MessageID, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
ReplyTo: &replyTo,
return k.SendMessage("send", opts)
// ReplyByConvID sends a reply message to a conversation id
func (k *Keybase) ReplyByConvID(convID chat1.ConvIDStr, replyTo chat1.MessageID, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
ConversationID: convID,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
ReplyTo: &replyTo,
return k.SendMessage("send", opts)
// EditByChannel sends an edit message to a channel
func (k *Keybase) EditByChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, msgID chat1.MessageID, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
MessageID: msgID,
return k.SendMessage("edit", opts)
// EditByConvID sends an edit message to a conversation id
func (k *Keybase) EditByConvID(convID chat1.ConvIDStr, msgID chat1.MessageID, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
ConversationID: convID,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
MessageID: msgID,
return k.SendMessage("edit", opts)
// ReactByChannel reacts to a message in a channel
func (k *Keybase) ReactByChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, msgID chat1.MessageID, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
MessageID: msgID,
return k.SendMessage("reaction", opts)
// ReactByConvID reacts to a message in a conversation id
func (k *Keybase) ReactByConvID(convID chat1.ConvIDStr, msgID chat1.MessageID, message string, a ...interface{}) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
ConversationID: convID,
Message: SendMessageBody{
Body: fmt.Sprintf(message, a...),
MessageID: msgID,
return k.SendMessage("reaction", opts)
// DeleteByChannel reacts to a message in a channel
func (k *Keybase) DeleteByChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, msgID chat1.MessageID) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
MessageID: msgID,
return k.SendMessage("delete", opts)
// DeleteByConvID reacts to a message in a conversation id
func (k *Keybase) DeleteByConvID(convID chat1.ConvIDStr, msgID chat1.MessageID) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
ConversationID: convID,
MessageID: msgID,
return k.SendMessage("delete", opts)
// GetConversations returns a list of all conversations.
func (k *Keybase) GetConversations(unreadOnly bool) ([]chat1.ConvSummary, error) {
type res struct {
Result []chat1.ConvSummary `json:"result"`
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
var r res
opts := SendMessageOptions{
UnreadOnly: unreadOnly,
arg := newSendMessageArg(opts)
arg.Method = "list"
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(arg)
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", string(jsonBytes))
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
err = json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r)
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
if r.Error != nil {
return r.Result, fmt.Errorf("%v", r.Error.Message)
return r.Result, nil
// Read fetches chat messages
func (k *Keybase) Read(options ReadMessageOptions) (chat1.Thread, error) {
type res struct {
Result chat1.Thread `json:"result"`
Error *Error `json:"error"`
var r res
arg := newReadMessageArg(options)
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(arg)
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", string(jsonBytes))
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
err = json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r)
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
if r.Error != nil {
return r.Result, fmt.Errorf("%v", r.Error.Message)
return r.Result, nil
// ReadChannel fetches chat messages for a channel
func (k *Keybase) ReadChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel) (chat1.Thread, error) {
opts := ReadMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
return k.Read(opts)
// ReadChannelNext fetches the next page of messages for a chat channel.
func (k *Keybase) ReadChannelNext(channel chat1.ChatChannel, next []byte, num int) (chat1.Thread, error) {
page := chat1.Pagination{
Next: next,
Num: num,
opts := ReadMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Pagination: &page,
return k.Read(opts)
// ReadChannelPrevious fetches the previous page of messages for a chat channel
func (k *Keybase) ReadChannelPrevious(channel chat1.ChatChannel, previous []byte, num int) (chat1.Thread, error) {
page := chat1.Pagination{
Previous: previous,
Num: num,
opts := ReadMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Pagination: &page,
return k.Read(opts)
// ReadConversation fetches chat messages for a conversation
func (k *Keybase) ReadConversation(conv chat1.ConvIDStr) (chat1.Thread, error) {
opts := ReadMessageOptions{
ConversationID: conv,
return k.Read(opts)
// ReadConversationNext fetches the next page of messages for a conversation.
func (k *Keybase) ReadConversationNext(conv chat1.ConvIDStr, next []byte, num int) (chat1.Thread, error) {
page := chat1.Pagination{
Next: next,
Num: num,
opts := ReadMessageOptions{
ConversationID: conv,
Pagination: &page,
return k.Read(opts)
// ReadConversationPrevious fetches the previous page of messages for a chat channel
func (k *Keybase) ReadConversationPrevious(conv chat1.ConvIDStr, previous []byte, num int) (chat1.Thread, error) {
page := chat1.Pagination{
Previous: previous,
Num: num,
opts := ReadMessageOptions{
ConversationID: conv,
Pagination: &page,
return k.Read(opts)
// UploadToChannel attaches a file to a channel
// The filename must be an absolute path
func (k *Keybase) UploadToChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, title string, filename string) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
Channel: channel,
Title: title,
Filename: filename,
return k.SendMessage("attach", opts)
// UploadToConversation attaches a file to a conversation
// The filename must be an absolute path
func (k *Keybase) UploadToConversation(conv chat1.ConvIDStr, title string, filename string) (chat1.SendRes, error) {
opts := SendMessageOptions{
ConversationID: conv,
Title: title,
Filename: filename,
return k.SendMessage("attach", opts)
// Download downloads a file
func (k *Keybase) Download(options DownloadOptions) error {
type res struct {
Error *Error `json:"error"`
var r res
arg := newDownloadArg(options)
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(arg)
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", string(jsonBytes))
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r)
if err != nil {
return err
if r.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v", r.Error.Message)
return nil
// DownloadFromChannel downloads a file from a channel
func (k *Keybase) DownloadFromChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel, msgID chat1.MessageID, output string) error {
opts := DownloadOptions{
Channel: channel,
MessageID: msgID,
Output: output,
return k.Download(opts)
// DownloadFromConversation downloads a file from a conversation
func (k *Keybase) DownloadFromConversation(conv chat1.ConvIDStr, msgID chat1.MessageID, output string) error {
opts := DownloadOptions{
ConversationID: conv,
MessageID: msgID,
Output: output,
return k.Download(opts)
// LoadFlip returns the results of a flip
// If the flip is still in progress, this can be expected to change if called again
func (c Chat) LoadFlip(messageID int, conversationID string, flipConversationID string, gameID string) (ChatAPI, error) {
m := ChatAPI{
Params: &params{},
m.Method = "loadflip"
m.Params.Options.Channel = &c.Channel
m.Params.Options.MsgID = messageID
m.Params.Options.ConversationID = conversationID
m.Params.Options.FlipConversationID = flipConversationID
m.Params.Options.GameID = gameID
r, err := chatAPIOut(c.keybase, m)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, nil
// Pin pins a message to a channel
func (c Chat) Pin(messageID int) (ChatAPI, error) {
m := ChatAPI{
Params: &params{},
m.Method = "pin"
m.Params.Options.Channel = &c.Channel
m.Params.Options.MessageID = messageID
r, err := chatAPIOut(c.keybase, m)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, nil
// Unpin clears any pinned messages from a channel
func (c Chat) Unpin() (ChatAPI, error) {
m := ChatAPI{
Params: &params{},
m.Method = "unpin"
m.Params.Options.Channel = &c.Channel
r, err := chatAPIOut(c.keybase, m)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, nil
// Mark marks a conversation as read up to a specified message
func (c Chat) Mark(messageID int) (ChatAPI, error) {
m := ChatAPI{
Params: &params{},
m.Method = "mark"
m.Params.Options.Channel = &c.Channel
m.Params.Options.MessageID = messageID
r, err := chatAPIOut(c.keybase, m)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, nil
// AdvertiseCommands sends bot command advertisements.
// Valid values for the `Typ` field in chat1.AdvertiseCommandAPIParam are
// "public", "teamconvs", and "teammembers"
func (k *Keybase) AdvertiseCommands(options AdvertiseCommandsOptions) error {
type res struct {
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
var r res
arg := newAdvertiseCommandsArg(options)
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(arg)
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", string(jsonBytes))
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r)
if err != nil {
return err
if r.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v", r.Error.Message)
return nil
// ClearCommands clears bot advertisements
func (k *Keybase) ClearCommands() error {
type res struct {
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
var r res
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", `{"method": "clearcommands"}`)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r)
if err != nil {
return err
if r.Error != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v", r.Error.Message)
return nil
// ListMembers returns member information for a channel or conversation
func (k *Keybase) ListMembers(options ListMembersOptions) (keybase1.TeamDetails, error) {
type res struct {
Result keybase1.TeamDetails `json:"result"`
Error *Error `json:"error,omitempty"`
var r res
arg := newListMembersArg(options)
jsonBytes, _ := json.Marshal(arg)
cmdOut, err := k.Exec("chat", "api", "-m", string(jsonBytes))
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
err = json.Unmarshal(cmdOut, &r)
if err != nil {
return r.Result, err
if r.Error != nil {
return r.Result, fmt.Errorf("%v", r.Error.Message)
return r.Result, nil
// ListMembersOfChannel returns member information for a channel
func (k *Keybase) ListMembersOfChannel(channel chat1.ChatChannel) (keybase1.TeamDetails, error) {
opts := ListMembersOptions{
Channel: channel,
return k.ListMembers(opts)
// ListMembersOfConversation returns member information for a conversation
func (k *Keybase) ListMembersOfConversation(convID chat1.ConvIDStr) (keybase1.TeamDetails, error) {
opts := ListMembersOptions{
ConversationID: convID,
return k.ListMembers(opts)